A Sacred Walk: Dispelling the Fear of Death & Caring for the Dying by Donna M. Authers
About Donna
Donna M. Authers

Donna Authers has a passion for applying her natural caregiving skills to help bring hope and healing to hurting people.  These skills have been honed through her sacred walks with others and her leadership in Stephen Ministry, Community Bible Study, OSL Healing Ministry, and with Hospice. She is a gifted teacher and, as such, has trained and mentored other volunteers to develop their own caregiving skills to serve others. 

Over the years, Donna has been regularly invited into the homes of many families learning to accept death and has accompanied them throughout the grieving process. She has worked closely with hospice organizations, counselors, social workers and clergy, and has been an advocate for others dealing with the medical system and government agencies.

After earning a B.S. degree from the University of Pittsburgh, the author enjoyed a highly successful business career in international marketing and sales management for nearly thirty years with the IBM Corporation. She retired after meeting her husband on a business trip to Paris in 1991 and has never looked back.

She moved from the business world to full-time volunteer work in 1992, and today continues to devote much of her time to caring ministries.  Helping others cope with new chapters in their lives and finding renewed enthusiasm for the future is a key element in her work.

Donna is committed to helping others learn how to dispel their fear of death and the dying process.  By sharing the stories of those who have completed their sacred walks on earth, she hopes readers, especially family caregivers, will learn how to more effectively care for themselves and their loved ones when the time comes. 

She offers A Sacred Walk as a tool readers can use to open a necessary dialogue on topics we tend to avoid, but shouldn't. To that end, she has prepared a complementary Discussion Guide to facilitate those conversations. For your copies, return to the Home page for ordering options.

Donna values feedback from her readers and appreciates when they take time to share their own experiences with her. She is also available to give talks on a variety of subjects from living without regrets to preparing ourselves for end-of-life care.   Please visit "Appearances" for more details.


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Copyright © 2019 Donna M. Authers